Bump Height Measurement凸起高度测量

Ultra Fast Measurements (UF 800)超快速测量
• Acquisition time of 125 μs accomplished with High Speed reference mirror and optical encoder
• 高速参考反射镜和光编码器使设备仅需125 μs采集时间
• Ideal solution for measurement on spinning wafers旋转硅片测量的理想方法
• Pressurized enclosure for measurement in challenging environments高压密闭检测
• Software and hardware interface for customizitation/OEM按客户需求订制软件和硬件界面
413 Optical EchoProbe光学反射探针
Overview about Configurations结构综述
413EC (Manual System手动系统)
413-200 (Semiautomated system –motorized, x-y stage for mapping
413-300 (Semiautomated system – motorized, x-y stage for mapping
413-C2C (Fully automated with Robotic Handler, 200mm or 300mm
Wafer-UF800 (UltraFast Optical EchoProbe for spinning wafers
Manual System 413EC手动系统

Manual System 413EC手动系统
Single Probe and Roughness-Option单探针,粗糙度检测可选

Semi-Automated EchoProbe半自动反射探针

Fully-Automated EchoProbe 全自动反射探针

Fullyautomated wafer handling (bare wafer, wafer with tape or Flexframes -Cassettes or Thin Wafer Pods)