Before silicon wafers are placed in a diffusion furnace, they should be cleaned first to remove impurities and particles from their surfaces.This is known as “pre-diffusion cleaning.” Pre-diffusion cleaning can be done using various methods.
标准清洁 1 (SC1)-使用含有氢氧化铵和过氧化氢的溶液清洁硅片,这有助于去除有机颗粒。然而,金属离子仍然存在于晶片表面。
Standard cleaning 1 (SC1) – The silicon wafers are cleaned with a solution containing ammonium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, which helps in removing organic particles. However, the metallic ions are still present in the wafers’ surfaces.
标准清洗 2 (SC2)-经过 SC1 后,硅片在含有盐酸和过氧化氢的浴槽中清洗。该解决方案可去除晶片表面残留的金属痕迹。
Standard cleaning 2 (SC2) – After undergoing the SC1, the silicon wafers are cleaned in a bath containing hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide. This solution removes leftover metallic traces from the wafers’ surfaces.
This method uses a solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide, which dissolves larger and more stubborn amounts of organic residue from the wafers.
Uses cavitation bubbles produced by megasonic waves in a bath to remove impurities from the wafers. Unlike other methods, megasonic cleaning doesn’t use harsh chemical baths.
使用去离子 (DI) 水将晶片上的无机污染物冲洗掉。然后将晶片放置在臭氧室内。臭氧强大的氧化作用将有机颗粒转化为碳,使晶片保持清洁,不含杂质。
Uses deionized (DI) water to rinse the inorganic contaminants away from the wafers. Then the wafers are placed inside the ozone chamber. The ozone’s powerful oxidizing action converts the organic particles to carbon, leaving the wafers clean and free from impurities.
Unthoroughly cleaned wafers may affect subsequent diffusion steps and negatively affect the final product.That is why pre-diffusion cleaning is important.Hualinkena provides a complete range of wet treatment equipment that supports the above wafer cleaning process.These are intended to provide effective cleaning, making the silicon wafer grain-free and ready to spread.